


As our students starts at KG level classes, they all start learning both English and Turkish. These two languages are used for the teaching of concepts in all subject areas. Language learning occurs in authentic and meaningful contexts rather than in isolation – this means that there is a great emphasis on the use of language for learning about concepts and for learning how to do things.

The language of instruction is English. All teaching, exercises and written materials are provided in English and the curriculum is also supported by Kurdish, Turkish and Arabic lessons in PYP and MYP years. Our school offers a multilingual learning environment with the native teachers having very strong academic background on teaching.

Language Support

At every grade level we have a teacher that in collaboration with the homeroom teacher helps students in need of improving their English Language Skills.

The ELS Teacher both plans and implements teaching strategies in support of English Language acquisition, supports the assessment of students through collecting, recording and reporting information on students’ progress. The role of The ELS teacher involves both working with small pull-out groups and in-class support as well as conducting bi-annual reading assessment of students for grade level consistency.

The ELS Teacher is part of the grade level team that helps and supports the individual student in reaching his full potential in accessing the PYP curriculum.

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